Hello, my name is Milin. I write in Mandarin Chinese (as native language), English (as my current best foreign language), and perhaps also in German (as I learnt it since late 2021) in the near future. :)

In Chinese my name means “dense forests”, it’s a pity that people cannot know that when they see my name in Roman letters so I keep emphasizing on that all the time. My grandma gave me this name becuase apparently she and my relatives thought that wood elements will bring me good luck and drive away diseases in my future life. Not quite sure about the effects but I grew up to like this name. It has a connection to nature and trees, it’s gender neutral, and I haven’t found anybody having trouble pronouncing my name so I can go by with Milin anywhere instead of having to come up with another English name. So, thank you Grandma!

This is the place I use to store my thoughts, notes, reviews, and all the other miscellaneous.